Meet the Clever Editors

  • We’re a couple of professional editors based in Victoria, Canada, with post-secondary degrees in English and History, with formal training in copy editing, professional communications, creative and academic writing.

  • We offer editing to authors in North America and internationally, with most of our clientele currently based in the U.S. (Editing internationally means keeping up with regional variations in spelling, idioms and slang, which is a lot of fun for us!)

  • We’re experienced editors (and writers!) with practical, real-world experience in areas such as fiction and non-fiction, academic writing, journalism, social media content, marketing, copywriting and more!

  • Ready to tackle any size project, from plot outlines to partial drafts, final drafts, query letters, back cover blurbs, resumes and cover letters, and academic essays.

  • Flexible with deadlines. We’ll work with your schedule to make sure our editing is in your hands when you need it. We can also schedule 6-12 months in advance, so it’s never too early to get a sample edit and see if we’ll be a good fit for when editing time rolls around.

Contact Us for more info!